Tricumen releases Vantage

Tricumen releases Vantage

Tricumen is proud to announce the official release of its Vantage platform.

Operating in an Excel-based environment, Vantage brings together the full range of Tricumen data: product-level operating revenue, headcount and costs, RWA and VaR for 12 key capital markets players. All financial data is available on quarterly basis and is fully reconciled against the published financial reports and – where appropriate – available at a regional and client segment level. The platform is fully interactive.

Commenting, Seb Walker said:

Vantage represents an important step in our company’s development. We designed Vantage with two priorities in mind. First, it integrates the full range of data that we collect on investment banks in a highly visual way. Second, and in our view crucially, Vantage allows each user to see their performance ‘relative to peers’, not only from their own organisational perspective, but also that of each of their competitors. As the platform is fully customisable by the user, our clients can keep granular details of their internal structure confidential, while allowing extensive and cost-effective scenario-analysis.

About Tricumen

Tricumen is a specialised market intelligence provider. Its clients include Investment Banks, strategy consulting firms and technology firms working with banks.

Tricumen is based near Cambridge in the UK. The firm leverages its core staff by drawing on its 57- strong global network of research partners. Tricumen has links with Cambridge University and is proud to sponsor an Economics Bursary.

For further details please contact:
Seb Walker on 07789 917763; or Darko Kapor on 07817 562 296